The Sex Emo Promo

Cooper made this video

It’s a promo for the sex emo video

Cooper is sponsored by Glue

Sex Emo is a joke brand

Said nobody ever

Jk. A bunch of people said that

Dont know what they mean though

Or whats funny about it

Im hardly laughing

Do you take us as a joke still

Or oops

Maybe it is still a joke

OMG but what if

LoL and picture this

What if it was never a joke


That would be amazin’ as hell

Just to be funny like that

I mean out of the two of us

Who do you think the comedian is…

And mostly it isn’t… Anyways.

Life can’t always be some big dumb ass joke all the time

And to think

That during the period of recording videos (oct 2021-oct 2022) for the sex emo promo directed by cooper winterson - director of many videos that we favorited on youtube in like 2013

Like a year before that

You still couldn’t shit piss in any given public bathroom on the earth

Without wearing a mask


So thats funny to think about

Back when we would watch tiger king

And listen to fiona apple for 1~ week


Everything kind of stay the same tho donit

What is wrong with me?

What was I thinking???

Somebody just said that to me on the phone

And i said back

That i dont know

I asked if they had seen the new video

And they said not yet

And I said ok

Yeah We know

But yeah. Doesn’t matter

And to be completely transparent its awesome as hell that cooper made this video

Merging something between thoughtful and lustful

Once again… with something of scenic fuckery going on amongst us too

Check the V.D.

Things are incredibly random nowadays

Yeah ill be the one to have to say it

Things are random as a fucker

But Still

You paying attention is so cool

It makes me happy in ways i dont even notice

If that makes sense.


4 files


Blog Archive (Summer 22)