4 files

You either

  1. Draw stick figures kicking one another’s ass, or

  2. Are one of those people who reads every billboard aloud as they drive by them

And there is no in between. You either draw stick figures acting ridiculous, or you are in the passenger seat of a midsize sedan with three friends, and every time you pass a sign for wafflehouse, you go lets go to wafflehouse. Or if it’s one of those How-Am-I-Driving stickers on the back of a Mac truck, you go, hahaha we should call the number just to get him in trouble. Like what would happen? Hahaha. Or if you’re on the interstate and you drive by a spa, and you make a funny retort about happy endings.

There are only two choices and there really arent any in-betweens

Im with stupid

Im stupid with…


Obviously you knew I was going to go there

Because we’re both soooooo stupid

Haha, what would you do if i walked into that subway and just started screaming in the lobby. Or like what would you do but also what do you think the guy would do in there, too. The one that’s working. And the two guys on their break eating meatball sandwiches across from one another, how do you suppose they’d react… LoL that’d be hilarious. What would happen if I just went in there and starting screaming cussing. And then just came back out and acted like nothing happened. What do you think would happen? And I still would LOVE to know how you would react. Because i just love the way you react to things! HAHA

The store will reopen probably on like the 5th of November


Pretending I’m an athlete so I can run you in to the ground


The Sex Emo Promo