Ed Fisher Ed Fisher

I never had that flavor before


put a really small number of new stuff up on the store

Opening the store in few day

Putting a really limited amount on the store tho tn

There will be more in few day

But for the ppl visiting the site

First dibs

(Orders won’t ship until early Nov.)

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Aiden Yobear Aiden Yobear

Pretending I’m an athlete so I can run you in to the ground

So you’ve got options… did they finish this blog post before me? Cuz I can’t think of a punch line that’s not his face.

You thought our band wasn’t the best? Fuck u! Doubt you’ll be saying that after our biggest and bestest show yet…rock on.

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Ed Fisher Ed Fisher

4 files

You either

  1. Draw stick figures kicking one another’s ass, or

  2. Are one of those people who reads every billboard aloud as they drive by them

And there is no in between. You either draw stick figures acting ridiculous, or you are in the passenger seat of a midsize sedan with three friends, and every time you pass a sign for wafflehouse, you go lets go to wafflehouse. Or if it’s one of those How-Am-I-Driving stickers on the back of a Mac truck, you go, hahaha we should call the number just to get him in trouble. Like what would happen? Hahaha. Or if you’re on the interstate and you drive by a spa, and you make a funny retort about happy endings.

There are only two choices and there really arent any in-betweens

Im with stupid

Im stupid with…


Obviously you knew I was going to go there

Because we’re both soooooo stupid

Haha, what would you do if i walked into that subway and just started screaming in the lobby. Or like what would you do but also what do you think the guy would do in there, too. The one that’s working. And the two guys on their break eating meatball sandwiches across from one another, how do you suppose they’d react… LoL that’d be hilarious. What would happen if I just went in there and starting screaming cussing. And then just came back out and acted like nothing happened. What do you think would happen? And I still would LOVE to know how you would react. Because i just love the way you react to things! HAHA

The store will reopen probably on like the 5th of November

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Ed Fisher Ed Fisher

The Sex Emo Promo

Cooper made this video

It’s a promo for the sex emo video

Cooper is sponsored by Glue

Sex Emo is a joke brand

Said nobody ever

Jk. A bunch of people said that

Dont know what they mean though

Or whats funny about it

Im hardly laughing

Do you take us as a joke still

Or oops

Maybe it is still a joke

OMG but what if

LoL and picture this

What if it was never a joke


That would be amazin’ as hell

Just to be funny like that

I mean out of the two of us

Who do you think the comedian is…

And mostly it isn’t… Anyways.

Life can’t always be some big dumb ass joke all the time

And to think

That during the period of recording videos (oct 2021-oct 2022) for the sex emo promo directed by cooper winterson - director of many videos that we favorited on youtube in like 2013

Like a year before that

You still couldn’t shit piss in any given public bathroom on the earth

Without wearing a mask


So thats funny to think about

Back when we would watch tiger king

And listen to fiona apple for 1~ week


Everything kind of stay the same tho donit

What is wrong with me?

What was I thinking???

Somebody just said that to me on the phone

And i said back

That i dont know

I asked if they had seen the new video

And they said not yet

And I said ok

Yeah We know

But yeah. Doesn’t matter

And to be completely transparent its awesome as hell that cooper made this video

Merging something between thoughtful and lustful

Once again… with something of scenic fuckery going on amongst us too

Check the V.D.

Things are incredibly random nowadays

Yeah ill be the one to have to say it

Things are random as a fucker

But Still

You paying attention is so cool

It makes me happy in ways i dont even notice

If that makes sense.

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Weston Kearl Weston Kearl

Blog Archive (Summer 22)

10-13-22 2:40 PM

I don’t believe in God

But I believe in Angels

Just kidding

I believe in God too. LOL

8-20-22 5:06 PM

Have you ever gotten mad and punched the grass. I have

6-4-22 3:57 PM


7-11-22 11:47 PM
I cry everyday . Blaming my parent. I feel completely lost. There is one time where I even violent and my parents had to call the police.

7/10/22- 12:45 PM
talk to me slow
Im high

7-3-22 4:45 PM
And I’ve never seen your upper lip
Sweat lies on your mustache
You ask me should u shave it

Hell no girl i like that. (Yeah i like that)

7/2/22- 3:41PM
I had a dream i went to Nickelodeon’s theme park (doesn’t exist)

7/2/22- 2:46 PM
It’s not every day
That my breath gets taken away
I’ve seen science and art but I have never seen ur face

6-30-22 2:25 PM
Anyway… I have kind of been really feeling like being bad for a while now. And I mean bad (good) and basically. I think Im doing a pretty good job of it haha. Like not in a destructive way really, just being baddd (good!!!).

And I know you know exaclty what I mean

6-27-22 9:38 AM
Top ten scariest shows:

  1. Stranger things

  2. I’ll finish the rest later I have to go

  • 6-26-22 1:50 PM
    I’m So Bad reverse engineer me I’ll do whatever you say I’ll roll the lint roller on your futon I’ll write you every day. Your a scientist for sure

    6-25-22 4:45 PM
    Where will you be when the darkness disappears?

    6-25-22 12:10 AM
    Cant you see I’m falling over backwards for you
    That’s why it’s so hard to breathe

    6-22-22 8:15 PM
    dear diary
    Do you like the front bottoms? They’re a rock band from New Jersey.
    -Luigi (from the Mario games)

    6-22-22 6:50 PM
    I thought I had you in a flash
    But I was wrong about that
    I thought that you would text me back
    What a laugh
    You thought that I would always be there
    Do u still think that
    I sat down at the table and I just stared
    I feel like crap

    6-21-22 10:51 PM
    Last night I dreamed about you…naked.

    6-22-22 12:16 PM
    Get to the first window you tell me what you want. Tell me what you want. Oh, a shake. Second window you’re asleep your head on my shoulder. This car’s too small for a full night’s sleep but you look right against me. I pay for your shake and I drink a good portion of it. I’m a selfish little evil thing. It makes me restless how much I want to tell you what I’m really thinking about as far as me and you haha. This little moment probably indicates something good tho. The tinder things like this is what keeps me wanting to stay attached to you like this. Tender* my phone autocorrects it at this point my fault

    6-21-22 8:06 PM
    I am not a threat
    I’ll be gone before you know it
    haven’t you already started to forget?
    I want you to know how I feel
    I want our bodies drenched in sweat
    But you knew that already
    Or do you even know me yet… -.-

    6-21-22 10:00 AM
    Life is soo00OO00oo complex and I only wish that were fiction.

    6-20-22 9:16 PM
    Am I missing the point or are you????
    Check your messages please

    6-20-22 11:11 AM
    And I’m more romantic than i give myself credit for. Looking at a way to get extra credit easy. Bit of an underachiever. Wanna be my tutor? I always hated teachers. Wanna be the exception? They say we should meet. What’s with this class ring, you still got that? Student and a teacher, huh. OK that’s fine. Wrapped around your finger like your class ring.

    6-19-22 8:57 PM
    Dear journal
    I was hired by a company named sex emo digital media production company. I have to say things like this for 8 hours a day:

    “Dear Duarte
    They invented a new diesease thats kills everybody and it’s called covid 19
    It sounds cool but scary “

    Doesn’t make much sense but the pay is good. I am somewhat worried thought that they are reading my mind and thoughts. I don’t know why I think this but i will keep you updated as usual on everything you are my best friend even though some people at school think you’re just a stupid diary but you are a journal.
    -Mister Mojito

    6-19-22 9:44 AM
    Its music night in New York again
    Cuz i missed it last year cuz of covid

    6-19-22 12:57 AM
    If opposites attract then??? What does that make us. Because I am attracted to you. I can only pray that you are both
    1. Not rotten to the core and
    2. Attracted to me too.
    Let’s do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6-18-22 11:09 AM
    I could be your tommy lee
    And film us while we fuck
    And one day the whole world will see
    That we have all the luck

    6-18-22 5:58 PM
    I have let my emotions get to me to the point that I now anonymously post sentences to a site called sexemo.Squarespace.com

    6-17-22 11:54 PM
    What the fuck do you think I’m thinking? And what the fuck do you think I care what you think?

    6-17-22 11:58 PM
    It’s been soooooo damn long since I felt comftorable in my skin. But I would kill my best friend to look good to you

    6-17-22 4:51 PM
    So I am building a tower now. And the thing that is so thrilling about it is…well im not doing it by my self. You told me we should build it together. It’s so curious that you put it this way, it’s like we’ve already started

    6-16-22 7:03 PM
    Dear anna Beth
    Sometimes my brain thinks messed up thoughts… but it’s not my fault! I live in a messed up world and I’ve seen messed up things.
    Do your brain ever think messed up thoughts?
    Yours in life and death
    Smokey bear

    6-15-22 11:23 PM
    I have never listened to a day in my entire life. -E

    6-15-22 8:25 PM
    Dear Diary
    remind me to smoke weed while listening to Mac demarco tomorrow. I have heard only good things.

    6-16-22 1:47 PM
    Today I was cutting vegetables and then I realized something. I was like “wait, what if this is all just a dream? And if it is… well how do I know it’s my dream?” Woah. Anyway, I got a new app on my iPhone. And I’m gonna try it out later I’ll let you know how it goes. Have a good day.

    6-15-22 1:09 PM
    You continue crawling up the row of people viewing my Insta stories. I think it’s organized based on who looks at your stuff the most, P2P interaction and such. I looked it up recently because I’m always wondering why some folks are above others and why it isn’t just alphabetical. Ngl it’s randomly enticing to see you make your way up the list, passing other people. I wonder where I sit on your list. I wonder about all of this more than I care to admit.

    6-15-22 2:03 AM
    And how you dance when it’s a song you never even heard. Yeah, that’s what I can’t get enough of. I have so many more songs I want to play for you. Just so I can see how you dance to them. (Been downloading music for 15+ yrs so yeah I have a lot)

    6-15-2022 1:54
    A hot take is so hot. Oh god, can you give me just one, while you look the way you do right now.

    6-13-22 9:12 PM
    They could never let you hold yourself over shallow water and cry yourself a deeper river. I will fall to you like smoke in cellars
    I will creep rite through your excuse for shelter
    on my tippie toes I could reach for you
    like a falling star
    ill crash down in pursuit
    we will figure out
    what they’ve been talking about

    6-15-22 2:01 AM
    Dear God
    Things have gotten pretty crazy here on planet earth.
    -your friend

    6-12-22 9:31
    In not really a romantic way, and neither a platonic. Id like to lay down. Just to tangle arms and to feel, what it’s like. If i were somewhere else. Id wish u were there too. Even still. Still!!!!!!!!!!???? Just to see it all… But now. Im somewhere else, that is. And the damned hell thing about it all is, I dont wish, u were here anymore. It’s nice to be sure of things but not care why. And im sure life is measured by the ease it takes, and the thoughtfulness of it all

    6-11-22 10:42 PM
    I smoked my first cigarette today, and boy was that a mistake. I know you’re wondering so I will just say it- yes. I got addicted. I always smoke now and I can’t for the life of me stop it. I’ve been sitting here smoking the same damn cigarette for nearly twenty minutes now. The best part about smoking is also the worst part too. Smokers, you’ll know what I’m talmbout: the after feeling. I’f you never smoked, listen up cuz this is the important stuff. No one tells you this (why would they? They aren’t you real friends. The things they do behind your back would make your stomach churn.) but cigarette smoking actually gets you high like bud or any other drug. Shortly after smoking,, smokers will feel light headed and dizzy which is good when relaxing in the bath but bad when your dad is yelling at you on some B.S.

    6-11-22 10:54
    closing your eyes is usually a bad sign when dying

    6-11-22 10:32 PM
    “Woke up this morning. Cant believe what I saw: ten million birdies…chilling on my doorstep.”

    -Bob Marley (Rock and Roll star)

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